Wednesday, October 15, 2008

(Un?)necessary Rap Wednesdays

Finally, (Un?)necessary Rap when you need it!

True Story is going to take it one step further this week, completely over-analyzing the video in it's entirety as it was seen in through our eyes
(as well as that analysis shouldn't be taken literally or seriously, folks.)

Alright, so Kanye West premiered this little dandy on Ellen earlier in the month
(Hey...True Story isn't saying that we do or do not watch Ellen, but...
I mean...
alright Step Off before we go all Jules on you"

Here's said 'Yeezy video, along with full thought process breakdown of True Story watching the video:

Hmm, ok, so Kanye finally released a video for that song that no one knew at the VMA's, and its starting out in an all white apartment with sheets covering various objects, and there are blinds and a telescope...

Sound like Someone We Know?? We like where this video is headed...

...OK Nevermind...spoke to soon, 50 seconds in and he's already lost us...WTF Kanye? Where did THIS:

come from?

Hmm...wait a minute...waaait a minute.....We remember. After all the song DOES have a pretty sick drum beat but, we mean,
Same extras? YOU Decide.

OK, ok, moving on....yeap still no idea what's going on...but I think we all can agree we've seen this makeup job before. Apparently, Kanye's out for Presidents to Represent Him

So Many Shoutouts! So Many subtle references! Where will Kanye Stop!?!

How about here, where Kanye officially lost us for good:

What in the name of Gary Busey is a SPACESHIP doing in this video?

I mean, really? You ate a whole wheel of cheese?
Wow. Not Even Mad, We're Impressed. That's Amazing.

But we digress,

So 'Yeezy, where in middle of Getting all Bateman on us, dropping spaceships out of nowhere and reenacting the Rave Scene

from the second Matrix
, do you explain the video?

Wait, was that just a Tribe reference?

Well Damn 'Yeezy! Why didnt you say somethin?!?

Fantastique video.

True Story.

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