Wednesday, September 10, 2008

(Un?)necessary Rap Wednesdays

Here's a little tasty treat to get your (Un?)necessary Rap Wednesday's goin'.

A little late you say? Hey, no worries, we still will deliver the goods to hold you over for a week.

That said, & all Tom Brady's Exploded Patella aside, we here at True Story are absolutely pumped for the start of the College & Pro football season.

Oh football, how we've missed you so.
The hoodies, the sellout crowds, the cheeleaders.

Ah yes, the cheerleaders (Oh no no, thank YOU Oregon). Now, if there were only some way to infuse our weekly rap session with you...

What's this? Oh there is?

Good googly moogly.

"I'm Crown Vic old school, squeezin' on her boo-boo"

Not exactly sure what that all means,
but We are pretty sure it's a True Story.

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