Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Remember, remember, the 5th of November

Yes. He. Did. Excuse the bias in this post, but the whole world is excited about this.

Congratulations to Mr. Barack Obama for becoming the first African American President Elect in the history of the nation. We credit ourselves for putting him over the top in the swing states with our blockbuster endorsement a couple of weeks ago, even mentioning his extracurricular activites a couple of months ago. Your welcome Oballa. By the way, if there was one unnecessary comparison we would have to make about last night's acceptance speech, it was an eerie similarity to a certain football coach. First of all, he barely cracked a smile. I mean, you don't need to be a contestant on Make Me Laugh after you have become the first minority to become President of the USA, geez. Second of all, after one of the most momentous victories of all time, word is he was back to work hours later, setting up a transition team. Sound like someone we know? Hopefully he didn't videotape Hil-dawg during the Iowa Caucuses.

On a serious note: Congratulations America. Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian,Green; there needs to be change in this country, and Barack has earned the chance to send this nation into the future with an agenda aiming to bring us back to prosperous times. Mr. McCain was not going to do that, and Sarah Palin did not help change our minds. Lets hope President Obama's new ideas combined with the rest of the government, actually accomplish things and get us in the right direction again.

This, however, was not all political. This was a symbol of how far this country has come. One of us received an e-mail this morning telling us how they choked up. The memory was living in Mississippi in 1971, where they listed "deaths" and "black deaths" separately in the local newspaper. For those of us scoring at home, that was less than 40 years ago, my friends. They never thought they would see this day, and frankly neither could we. There were reports of people dancing in the streets of Brooklyn well into the night. People at UMass are so happy that they were giving out pizza for free to students today in one building, simply "because of the election". One of our professors is an international marketer, saying how he had received texts from people from eight different countries. All of these people had exclaimed their excitement of this day, evidence that our image is already being improved internationally. Finally, one story today from one of us that says it all:

"I work in a dining hall, and there is this Vietnamese man who works every day. He just came here, I was told he used to be a Colonel in the South Vietnamese Army. He speaks absolutely no English. It's to the point where when I ask him to go on break, I at first needed a translator to tell him to eat. This evening, when one of my buddies was reading the headline of the USA Today, we noticed something. This somber man points to the newspaper, smiles at all of us, and pumps his fist like he just scored a touchdown. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does."

And now, this week's video, not exactly a music video, not exactly rap, but pretty unnecessary:

Here's how it works.

True Story.

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